Explore the Secret Society and Its Benefits in Sims 4

Explore the Secret Society and Its Benefits in Sims 4

Explore the Secret Society and Its Benefits in Sims 4

The Sims franchise has always brought both the light and adorable side with various quests. However, there is another dark side of the games that allows players to have fun with dark humor too. Players in Sims 4 can enjoy their graduation and academic path in the Discover University expansion pack. However, in-game students can join various other societies besides studying. Such as the Secret Society. As the name implies, there is a lot more secrecy to it. To join and learn about the benefits of Sims 4 Secret Society, I recommend reading the entire article so you know what you need to do and how.

Sims 4: Secret Society

There are other secret societies at the Discover University. They will surely do anything to have you in their pack. However, befriending with sprites excites you. Then the Order of Enchantment is for you. It is a secret society that kept secrets in the world of Britechester. They aren’t evil. They just want to please the invisible fairy-like creatures known as Spirtes.

These creatures have the power to affect Sim’s moods. In exchange, Sims receives positive moodlets that can help them progress academically. However, negative moodlets are not harmful but they are reversible. There are many ways to remove negative moodlets with and without mod. Now, you have to interact with them and join the society.

History of Order of Enchantment

In the second year of Order of Enchantment, the founder Esther Mudget misused the powers of sprites and kept them starving for sugar. The secret was revealed when she ran out of an auction hall into the woods. She misused their powers and became greedy. Later, she became a symbol of worth learning. She was the first Sim ever to found them and became the founder of the Order of Enchantment. You can learn more from the Research Machine. However, here is a brief storyline about her.

She discovered them while she was studying the mushrooms and their wild pollination patterns. The one you see near Gibb’s Hill. She used to study there closely. One day, she was gifted a fruit cake by her neighbors. After she slipped out for a couple of seconds and returned to hear some whistling sound. She realized that it was not a human voice so she cracked a corny joke to avoid any mishap. Sprites like the joke and mostly the fruit cake, This is how she discovered sprites.

How to Meet the Secret Society?

How to Meet the Secret Society?
How to Meet the Secret Society?

The members of the Order of Enchantment need to gather every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday between 10:00 PM to 2:00 AM. You need to head towards Gibb’s Hill first. Reach Downtown Britechester first and then head towards Pepper’s Pub. Next, across the river, you will see an old ruin on the hill. This ruin looks quite strange and beside it will be a clear area and a stone pedestal surrounded by mushrooms. This is their common spot.

You might get a chance to see its members in a group. They will disperse when any outsiders approach them. Even if you try asking them about the group discussion, they will lie to you. However, spotting their group or talking to any of the members will not let you join the group.

How to Join the Secret Society?

To join the Order of Enchantment, you have to make a special offering to the statue of the university. it will be located in the center of the campus. To present an offering, Select the option of Make An offering for Academic Success when interacting with the statue. Make sure to have the offering in your inventory first. Here are some of the options for offerings that you can choose from:

  • Crystals, minerals, and rare gems. Sprites love the rare collectibles. However, you have to find one first.
  • Pristine Gardening Items or Flowers
  • Sugary baked foods like desserts and cakes. Dorms don’t allow grills and ovens for the Sims. So it will be difficult to find it across the university. However, offering sugary food will get you a Focused moodlet.

Each offering rewards you with a Focused moodlet. For one moodlet, you can study well for 4 hours. With 2 moodlets, you can laser focus for another 4 hours. With 3 moodlets, you become undistracted for another 4 hours. After three offerings, you will be given a chance to join the Order of Enchantment. These are the benefits of the Sims 4 secret society.

This a sign that the Order of Enchantment will reach out to you. On the same night of the offering, you will be invited to join the organization by a special spell by the members. They will reach you wherever you will be.

What to do After Being a Member?

What to do After Being a Member?
What to do After Being a Member?

Now, Order of Enchantment will be on the list of your societies panel. There will be a list of tasks you can see. You must complete the tasks and upgrade your ranks. You will be attending the Sprite Celebration Ritual. This event is held twice a week, celebrate with other members and meet them. Each time you attend this event your Sims will change into these robes.

Here are the tasks that you need to complete to upgrade to the next level.

Rank LevelTasks List
Rank 1Reach Sprite’s Garden and participate in the society event. You will have a basic robe.
Rank 2Power to attack others with Sprites Attacks. This will decline their motive and keep them tense for a certain time. However, this ability will have a cooldown timer too. On this rank, you will wear a silver robe.
Rank 3Power to attack others with Sprites Attacks. You will wear a golden robe at the rank.

You can check yours from the Social Group panel in your menu.

How to Advance in Secret Society?

You can advance from each level by completing a certain list of tasks. These tasks are updated each Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings. Once they are completed the progress bar will increase. Which will in turn increase your level. Tasks are as follows:

  • Tend to Sprites Garden
  • Offer food, crystal, or harvestable offerings to the ritual altar.
  • Help others such as mentoring them in their studies.
  • Befriend with 5 more friends.
Secret Society Sprites
Secret Society Sprites

If you fail to complete your tasks, Sprites will be upset. This will have a few orange-yellowish sprites pestering you till you give them attention. However, this will give you a Tense moodlet which will reduce your motive and focus.

The benefits of Sims 4 Secret Society are quite useful in terms of increasing grades and advancing in society. However, keeping up with Society’s tasks is not easy. The motivation comes from the rewards so try it for yourselves.

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