Dragon or No Dragon? Dragon’s Dogma 2 Review Will Help

Dragon's Dogma 2 Review

Dragon's Dogma 2 Review

When it comes from Capcom, you can’t expect anything less than state-of-the-art. With games like Resident Evil and the Tekken franchise under their wings, gamers always have high expectations. Another title is Dragon Dogma 2 aka Dark Arisen. Even being labeled as one of the most talented in-house developers by Capcom has made players say it. So let’s check the Dragon’s Dogma 2 Review from my point of view by inspecting all its aspects to decide whether it truly deserves the gamer’s community appreciation.

Dragon’s Dogma 2: Storyline

Dragon's Dogma 2: Storyline
Dragon’s Dogma 2: Storyline

Yes! Players were thrilled with this action shooter adventure game released this month. Huge monsters, a mysterious island, and of course the combat mechanics. The perfect blend of Elden Ring and Monster Hunter. Straight-face seriousness at the face of the players makes the dialogue even more bitter to hear and bear.

The storyline of the game is about Arisen. The heartless warrior was killed by a dragon. The destiny of both Arisen and the dragon is intertwined. But the twist begins when Sovran of Vermund claims to be an Arisen—a monarch who has made it sway from a number of battles and political scandals. In the middle of the hot battles, there is a soft side too.

Players can romance and build friendships with. There are scripted pawns too. These pawns are your loyal friends on the path of death who are willing to die for you anytime. Such as Gorbo. You can hire some and customize them fully. They are helping as they help you when you are unconscious to stay put when told. They have pawn quest too. The best is to be kind to them as they will gossip about you to other pawns.

Exploration in Dragon Dogma’s 2

Exploration in Dragon Dogma's 2
Exploration in Dragon Dogma’s 2

The densely packed forest regions allow players of Dragon Dogma 2 to use fast travel points. Although camping is low-key in-game but is still enjoyable. Camping has its amusement and use. But you have to be careful at night as you might be attacked by enemies who will turn your camps into ashes. You can enjoy adventures at night with just a lantern.

No wonder exploration is creative as it allows players to see the Mages and Sorcerers rising from the wilderness. It is filled with puzzles that will make you use your full brain power to relate from any quest point. Players will have to use their six senses to strategically move through the locations.

Action-packed battles of Dragon Dogma’s 2

Action-packed battles of Dragon Dogma's 2
Action-packed battles of Dragon Dogma’s 2

Battles of the Dragon’s Dogma 2 are incomplete without the antagonist: Monster. The monster can appear anywhere in-game. But this is your job to crawl up their backs and kill them. We believe they are the real enemies. You can practice your combat skills and techniques whenever a monster appears. The combat system in-game is very tactical, kinetic, and phenomenally built.

Archers and Sorcerers can use their melee weapons and fatal techniques to bring the dragon down. Overall the game is extremely addictive and combat scenes make it difficult to leave your seat.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 review is all I have experienced. Since its first gameplay showcase, the experience looked impressive, and after release, it’s proven. My score will be 8.9/10 but still looking forward to more updates and patches. If I have left out any important features, do let me know in the comments.

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