Guide to Locations Where to Sell Contraband in Starfield

Guide to Locations Where to Sell Contraband in Starfield

Guide to Locations Where to Sell Contraband in Starfield

During the space hunting, you will walk through the illegal corridors in Starfield. Contrabands are illegal yet profitable items throughout the gameplay. These items get you a lot of credits in the small time window. Space artworks banned chemicals, and organ trafficking – items of contraband that can be a luxury for space pirates and smugglers. But it’s not easy to get them. And there is only one location in the galaxy to get them. This guide to Starfield where to see Contraband and get them to get more profits and feel like a real space pirate.

Where to Find Contrabands in Starfield

Contrabands are mostly found during the looting and hunting of other criminals and space pirates. But there’s a location where you can farm these contraband. But you will need a lot of patience.

Almagest, Nesoi

Almagest, Nesoi
Almagest, Nesoi

To find Contrabands, you need to reach Almagest. Almagest is a space casino that revolves around the planet Nesoi of the Olympus system. This system is located on the eastern side of Alpha Centauri. This bandit-ruled territory is the only chance to get contraband. Here are the guidelines to follow:

  • Reach the Almagest and head inside.
  • As you enter the main room, you will confront some space thugs.
  • Get rid of them and head towards the left side. There will be a huge golden vault door.
  • Just beneath is an open vent. This vent will lead them to a chest filled with contraband and a computer.

This is where you can get the contraband. The best part about Almagest is that it respawns after one week of in-game time. Players can either choose to wait for 168 in-game hours. Or they can explore other planets of Settled Sytems and return back after one week. Till then more new goods will be restocked again. As mentioned before, you will need a lot of patience. Once you have them, here is what to do.

How to Use Contrabands in Starfield

How to Use Contrabands
How to Use Contrabands

Once you have the contraband here is what to do:

  • Go through the Inventory Section of your character. Click the option with a tiny yellow symbol to learn the contraband’s content.
  • You can sell its content at the Trade Authority of Kiosk. But beware of the entrance scanners. You can get arrested for holding a contraband. A shielded cargo hold and jammer will be of no help. So reach the Wolf. There will be a Trade Authority vendor that can help you.
  • Reach out to them and sell the illegal items. But remember they’re always short of credits. So you have to wait for 48 in-game hours for them to get restocked.

This guide of Starfield Where to See Contraband and How to Get is easy to follow and get more profit. So follow the guidelines to get yours. It can be more fun if played on PS5.

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