How to Get & Use Lilypad Wax in Grounded

How to Get & Use Lilypad Wax in Grounded

How to Get & Use Lilypad Wax in Grounded

In the world of Grounded, your miniature version will have to fight enemies and collect resources to live longer. The survival game has many missions and resources to collect. Koi’s pond is a major source of resources. Such as Lilypad Wax. This cube-like structure works wonders to craft different recipes. But Koi’s Pond has its challenges and a majority of players find it difficult to locate this resource. Here is how to get your hands on the Grounded Lilypad Wax as these guidelines wouldn’t make it challenging anymore.

Grounded: Lilypad Wax

Grounded: Lilypad Wax
Grounded: Lilypad Wax

This green cube-shaped structure is very useful for crafting recipes. Especially in underwater recipes. A water flower, Lilypad produces this wax. It is a natural resource of Tier 1. So to bond waterproof materials, this wax is essential. Here is how to get it.

How to Get Lilypad Wax in Grounded

How to Get Lilypad Wax in Grounded
How to Get Lilypad Wax in Grounded

To find Lilypad Wax, you need to enter the Koi Pond. Koi Pond is located near the Great Oak Tree. Players will need to search for the Lilypad Wax underneath the plants. These nodules are in smaller shapes and are stuck under the Lilypads. These are mostly found as clusters with a single nod.

If players are looking for large quantities of wax, they can collect a lot from here. But players will not need any tools to harvest it. Press the Nab button to collect one single piece. Here are some pro tips to follow to avoid any mishaps.

  • Before you swim in the pond, equip yourself with a Gill Tube or any such equipment that helps to breathe in water.
  • If you don’t have any then try to stay close to the water surface to catch your breath.
  • You can also use the plant air bubbles to revive your oxygen.
  • Most importantly, beware of the Diving Bell Spiders. As these critters can be a problem for you.

Benefits of Lilypad Wax

Here are some items like tools, armor, and other materials that will need Lilypad Waz to craft their recipes.

  • Pebblet Dagger is an aquatic item that can be used to harvest flora and as a defensive tool. It needs 2x Pebblet, 2x Crude Rope, and 2x Lilypad Wax.
  • It helps to craft Koi-Armor, Gill Tube, and Flip Flops.
  • Food like Fluid Flippers, Tadapolocoa Pudding, and Spaghetfea can be crafted too.

Grounded Lilypad Wax is great for several benefits. Players can use these guidelines to get their required amount of wax. Players interested in other game guides can check our Guides archives.

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