Shocking Subscription Numbers of World of Warcraft will wonder its success

Shocking Subscription Numbers of World of Warcraft will wonder its success

Shocking Subscription Numbers of World of Warcraft will wonder its success

Since the release of World of Warcraft, there have been many expansions updated. But the fanbase showed some weird stats. The subscription numbers were never officially revealed. But things turned different when a WoW YouTuber aired his stats about the subscription number being more than 7 million after GDC talk. The update confirmed that the World of Warcraft subscription numbers officially as 7.25 million and here are all the insights about it.

World of Warcraft Subscription Numbers Officially Revealed

Since the release of the Legion expansion back in 2016, Blizzard never showed up the subscription numbers. Fanbase assumed it as a suspicion. But it turned out to be true. The figures were not revealed even after Shadowlands in 2020.

At GDC, WoW GM presented the graph of the subscribers over time. Then a WoW Content Creator did some research. It turned out that after the release of Dragonfight, the subscriber count is now at its peak than at the game launch. Let’s begin with the incident dissection of these hidden stats.

John Hight Showed Subscriber’s Graph

John Hight Showed Subscriber's Graph
Comparison of WoW GM John Hight’s presentation to Bellular Warcraft estimates, via Reddit user Kevombat.

WoW General Manager, John Hight was at Game Develeper’s Conference held on 18th March this year. He visually presented the subscriber’s graph and explained it in detail. He explained that the count rises when an expansion is out or a patch is released. The count at its least when the expansion ended. He said that the constant inflow and outflow with more new players coming and old ones leaving.

But the graph appears different after Shadowlands releases. The subscribers count falls repetitively. The same happened after the release of Dragonfight. He said, “A lot of that was attributed to people losing their interest, and even in some cases their trust in us, during Shadowlands,”.

So Blizzard took community feeds and got to figure out the issues. The gameplay including tone, setting, and characters was modified which resolved various bugs and issues with the previous two expansions. With better content roadmaps and patch releases, the subscriber count is raised. He ended his talk with the lesson they learned that is best to have the players involved in the process.

Bellular Warcraft Researched the Blizzard’s Graphs

The YouTube account shared a video last weekend. He explained the gaps left in his explanation. The video thoroughly explains the connection between the three data sets. Blizzard’s data on subscription numbers(after Legion), financial reports, and Hight’s graph. He explained that the subscription count was 4.07 million after the Battle of Azeroth and 4.5 million after Shadowlands.

So it’s estimated to be above 7 million. He also stated that at the time of Wrath of the Lich King, subscribers were 12 million in 2010. This is an excellent count for a 20-year-old game. Fanbase is relieved of the great success news of subscribers number.

World of Warcraft Subscription numbers news was a real rollercoaster ride. This is how passionate players keenly observe their game interests. If you are interested in more news updates like this, then check our News archives.

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