BG3 Spineshudder Amulet Guide

BG3 Spineshudder Amulet Guide

Baldur’s Gate 3 is renowned for its exceptional gameplay. One of the reasons is that each game build has its playable mechanics. Each Race and Class has certain times that enhance their abilities and powers—accessories like RIngs, Potions, Amulets, etc. Spinesshudder Amulet is an extraordinary amulet for a high-rank spellcaster. This guide about BG3 Spineshudder Amulet can be helpful to cast powerful spells. Players might skip it in their journey so here is a complete walkthrough.

Baldur’s Gate 3 | BG3: Spineshudder Amulet

Baldur's Gate 3 | BG3: Spineshudder Amulet
Moonrise Towers – Baldur’s Gate 3 | BG3

To get Spineshudder Amulet, players will need to pass the Act 1. Including all the quests of Underdark and Mountain Pass locations. Once you are ready for Act 2, the first destination is Moonrise Towers. You can reach the location on your own by exploring the Shadow-Cursed Lands. Or you can travel with Drider Kar’niss. Once you reach the Moonrise Towers, here are the steps you need to follow next:

#1 Enter Ketheric Room

Make your way to the first floor. There will be the Ketheric’s room. But it will be locked and protected by the Cultists of the Absolute. Defeat them with your party. It’s a pro tip to have a handy-skilled and charismatic character in your party for this fight. Now, you need to enter the room.

Find Balthazar Quest

The best approach is to talk with Z’rell and get the Find Balthazar quest. In this quest, she will allow you to enter her office and get a Moonlantern for her. Head towards her office and unlock it with a good lockpicking skill character. Once the door is unlocked, you will confront a few guards and a Scrying Eye.

The best approach is to convince the guards that you belong there using the Charisma Check. This will avoid the fight with Scrying Eye as the fight might grow larger with more allies joining them. So, the best option is to use the Charisma Check for easy passage in the future. Now, get back to the Kethric’s room.

#2 Inside Kethric Room to Get Spineshudder Amulet

Ask our most dexterous character to pick a lock for you to enter her room. Here, you will be welcomed by her dog, Squire. You choose to fight her or use a check to calm her down. Reach the coordinates of the room (X: -169 Y: -198) and reach the door. A pro tip is to save the game before entering the door. Unlock the door with Thieves’ Tools and there will be a chest inside. This chest will be a Mimic and you will have to fight it.

Mimic Fight

This Mimic isn’t hard to defeat. After a round or two, it will be defeated. You can select a tank-type character like Fighter or a character with Action Surge and a 2x attack. One of the easiest approaches is to use the Smokepowder Bombs.

#2 Inside Kethric Room
Spinshudder Amulet Inside Kethric Room

Throw a sack of bombs in front of the chest. Use an arrow like Smokepowder Arrow or Arrow of Fire to ignite a fire in it. This will create a damage of 50 and blast enough explosives to provide damage. Once it’s defeated, you can now loot the chest. Inside the chest will be the Spinshudder Amulet.

How to Save Mimic Bug

A number of players have faced the problem that Mimic doesn’t appear. If you appear to be one of them, reload the saved game that you did before entering the door.

BG3 Spindeshudder Amulet Skills & Buffs

#1 Cackling Resonance

When the amulet holder receives damage, it releases 2 Reverberation.

#2 Reverberation

This affects a -1 penalty to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution Saving Throws on each turn. More turns, more damage. The only drawback is it useless on creatures that are dealt thunder damage.

The best use of Spineshudder Amulet is for a character who uses ranged Spells. Such as:


This build is ideal for this amulet. It has a vast range of Spells that they can cast on several occasions.


This build is also very great at using Spellcasting. This helps them to deal with great damage like using Twinned Spells.


This build might not have an extended range of Spells like others. But it still has some ranged spells.

Players can use the following while using Spineshudder Amulet

  • Eldritch Blast
  • Ray of Frost
  • Vicious Mockery
  • Chromatic Orb
  • Guiding Bolt
  • Magic Missile
  • Ray of Sickness
  • Witch Bolt
  • Melf’s Acid Arrow
  • Moonbeam
  • Scorching Ray
  • Hunger of Hadar
  • Sleet Storm
  • Ice Storm
  • Wall of Fire
  • Cloudkill
  • Flame Strike
  • Sunbeam
  • Wall of Ice
  • Fireball

BG3 Spineshudder Amulet guide is concluded here. This guide will help you get it with the best approaches. And how to further use it. If you need assistance with any other BG3 guides then check out our Guides archives. You will surely find one.

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