What is Tekken 8 Microtransactions with Shopping Feature in-game?

What is Tekken 8 Microtransactions with Shopping Feature in-game?

What is Tekken 8 Microtransactions with Shopping Feature in-game?

After the release of Tekken 8, it has proven to be a massive success for Bandai Namco. The fanbase praised the gameplay and mechanics even before the release. But recently, the publisher Bandai Namco has decided to join the microtransactions controversy. The side effects are visible even before its update in-game. Let’s check the Tekken 8 microtransactions matter in detail and what could be the reason behind the addition of this feature post-launch.

Tekken 8: Microtransactions with Shop feature

Tekken 8 players receive a pop message of the Tekken Shop feature coming soon. This message pops up while players log in. Players were excited to learn this feature and assumed it to be an in-game currency system. But later this news confirmed that the game rating for ESRB has been updated. This means players will have to spend their real cash.

Fanbase Split with Opinions on Microtransaction in Tekken 8

The fanbase has split based on their opinion about microtransactions. Many players assumed it to be as negative as other games. Cheating, fraud, and loopholes leave die-hard players with bans and limited use. Games like Diablo 4, Street Fighter 6, and Mortal Kombat 1 are affected and also charged the players for in-game fraud.

Whereas, other gamers have no problems with the in-game purchases. Exotic skins, aesthetic items, and cosmetic stuff can be more appealing to the players. While players in this fanbase also expect the price to be reasonable as well.

There is no official statement from the authorities at the moment. But the fanbase has their ears listening to the Tekken Talk Livestream. This livestream will be coming this week so the fanbase is ready for the mega-reveal. Many community members like Yellow Motion and IAMOP shared their opinions too.

Tekken 8 microtransactions are negatively interpreted by the fanbase. Especially post-launch has received a lot of backlash. But still, they await a clear justification by the officials. Tekken 8 news was tracked and published on our platform like file size, demo, and new characters like Reina and Victor. So make sure to check the Tekken 8 guides archive.

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