Exposing the Imposters – Your Ultimate Guide to Find Aliens in Disguise in The Sims 4

Exposing the Imposters - Your Ultimate Guide to Find Aliens in Disguise in The Sims 4

Exposing the Imposters - Your Ultimate Guide to Find Aliens in Disguise in The Sims 4

Sims lovers can live up to their desires in the Sims world. Players can customize their Sims’s appearance to their entire live in-game. But the constantly updated expansion Pack gives Sims gamers an upper hand. Players can even have extraterrestrial characters in the game besides their lives. After the Get To Work expansion, players can have fun with them too. If you don’t know about it, then this Sims 4 How to Find Aliens in Disguise guide will greatly help you. Let’s hunt them down!

Sims 4: Get To Work: How to Find Aliens in Disguise

For players who have upgraded to the Get To Work expansion pack, these guidelines will surely be beneficial to them. But they will need to be at the correct location to catch the undercover alien. Here are some of the ways that can help you to spot a fake alien.

WooHoo-ing with an Alien

This method is one of the easiest ways to spot an alien: just WooHooing with them. In this way, they will reveal themselves and the player will receive a notification that an anonymous activity is discovered that will lead to the reveal of the alien.

Sims can further take this on a relationship status. Sims can have a relationship with alien Sims and proceed to have kids. The offspring will inherit the traits from both parents and will be an alien-Sim breed. Players should know that some unique alien features can be a bit shocking. Wipe off any Sims memory, disguise like any Sims, revitalize any dead aline, and many other traits.

Introduce Yourself as a Scientist to a Suspected Alien

Sims who have careers as Scientists can be the lucky ones. They can find suspected aliens on events, inventions, and other career-related times. But there is a risk of being kidnapped it abducted by them. Here is a quick fix for it. They can play with some machines like wormhole generators, and satellites to reduce this risk.

Glowing Light Check

Sims have mood status which can be identified by their positive or negative moodlets. Similarly, aliens can be identified by their glow light. Aliens emit specific colored light that indicates their mood. For if they are happy, the green glow will emit, and if they are sad, then blue light. This is a one guaranteed trait that only aliens possess.

Use the Secret Handshake

Use the Secret Handshake
Use the Secret Handshake

In case the player’s Sims is also an alien. Then this trick is for them. This method will help find out their species by using Secret Handshake. First, players should access the Friendly social menu, next, select Activities, and lastly select Secret Handshake. This is the best way to indicate your likewise in the crowd.

Sims 4 How to Find Aline in Disguise has handed over all the details and features to its payers. Sims looking to meet an alien or they are an alien themselves, then these guidelines will be an exceptional guide to lead them. Players can also read other Sims 4 guides from our Guides archives.

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