What is Sim 4 Landlord Mod and How to Play it

What is Sim 4 Landlord Mod and How to Play it

What is Sim 4 Landlord Mod and How to Play it

This incredible mod is known as Ownable Apartments Mod and was created by WickedPixxel. Unlike other Sims 4 mods, this mod has some features that add a touch of ownership and realistic estate functions to the overall gameplay. In addition to that, the guide to playing this game is to simply buy apartments and rent them off to the tenants you would like to have. All about the Sims 4 Landlord mod is in detail here.

Ultimately, this mod is pretty easy to play and anyone can get a good amount of extra earnings from them. Now that we have a basic understanding of this Sims 4 Landlord Mod, let’s dive right into its gameplay details.

Step 1: Switch to the Landlord Personality Trait

At first, you will have to get your sim ready to embrace the landlord personality trait. So start by selecting and switching one of their personality traits to landlord personality traits. Or either use the CAS cheat mod to replace the personality trait.

Step 2: Select the Lot

Step 2: Select the Lot,second step of sims 4 landlord mod
Step 2: Select the Lot

Now the second step requires you to select one of the apartment complexes to purchase. So go to the lot setting and check the menu where the three buyable venues will be available. These venues are simply put as:

Low-Income Apartment – Great options for those on a limited budget.

Luxury Apartment – Includes several factors such as facilities, luxuries, and comfort.

Condo – Gain access to the ever-growing community and embrace the ownership.

You can either start with an old apartment or build your own so you won’t have to worry about the renovations.

Step 3: Purchase the Apartment Complex as Sims 4 Landlord Mod

Step 3: Purchase the Apartment Complex
Step 3: Purchase the Apartment Complex

For the purchasing step, you will need to access the Apartments menu from More Choices on your Sim’s computer. Click on it to see options where you will be able to purchase any apartment complex and also manage it from there. Then buy your preferred apartment complex but make sure that you are always managing from your SIM’s computer.

After the purchase, you will automatically gain ownership of the apartments so lock all the apartments before going on to the next step.

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Step 4: Apartment Leasing Event

Now you will need to attract tenants to rent your apartments. To do so you will need to access your phone and go to Social > Plan a Social Event. There you have to select Apartment Unit Leasing and start looking for suitable tenants.

Select a Sim as a Landlord and also select the lot with apartments you want to rent if you own more than one.

Step 5: Pick Better Tenants (Optional)

The event will eventually attract a lot of tenants to choose from. So you will need to do a little research about them before accepting them as your new tenants. This step requires you to be more careful while renting your apartments. Start by asking important questions regarding their income and employment so you won’t need to worry about not being given rent on time. 

Also, try to be more cautious and get more in-depth information on them by accessing the Tenant Screening from the phone and getting to know more.

Step 6: Accepting New Tenants as a Sims 4 Landlord Mod

First, you will need to approve the Apartment Lease, and to do so click on the tenant and then More Options > Applicants > Approve Apartment Lease. After receiving the whole amount deposited to your account, it’s time to help them move in. For that, make your tenants leave and then return to the apartments so the contract can be officially made. After that, you can lock the door and give access only to the tenants.

This is a necessary step in Sims 4 Landlord Mod otherwise your tenants will not be able to officially move in.

Step 7: Hire Staff and Manage the Apartments

After renting your apartments, you will need a few staff to manage the apartments to make sure all things are going right. You can hire these staff from your PC by going to Choice > Apartment > Manage Staff > Hire Property Maintenance.

Additionally, don’t forget to build an office in the apartment complex to manage the lot.

Step 8: Collect the Rent as a Sims 4 Landlord Mod

And now finally the last step is to collect the rent from the tenants, which includes clicking on them and going to Community Management > Collect Rent.

You can also evict the tenants who aren’t paying the rent by clicking on the Evict option instead. 

So this was all for the Sims 4 Landlord Mod, originally known as Ownable Apartments Mods.

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