All About Lethal Company Bunker Spiders to Avoid and Get Rid of Them

All About Lethal Company Bunker Spiders to Avoid and Kill Them

All About Lethal Company Bunker Spiders to Avoid and Kill Them

Lethal Company has become massively popular all over the world majorly because of its entertaining gameplay and multiplayer feature. People can enjoy this game with their friends for hours and still wouldn’t get bored. This guide about the Lethal Company Bunker Spiders will guide you in detail about these nasty critters and how to get rid of them.

All About Bunker Spiders in Lethal Company

There are many powerful creatures in Lethal Company that roam around attacking players, most of which are not easy to kill. The Lethal Company Bunker Spiders are usually not that dangerous compared to the other mobs. They are relatively weak yet they are fairly annoying to any player.

Bunker Spiders are territorial creatures, spawning the inside of the building. These entities are large arachnids roaming around the area inside, known for eating mammals. Their spawn locations are randomized to confuse the players and be aware of their surroundings.

These Bunker Spiders become hostile when they detect a person touching or breaking their webs. They immediately start to follow that person until distracted by someone else. A person can break their webs with any tool but it’s best not to fight them using ordinary tools. That’s because they might have slow movements but make better use of their surroundings such as webs. The hitbox of melee weapons is also inconsistent which makes a poor choice and can be considered a disadvantage.

Sometimes they spot a person unprepared and act defensively but some act aggressively. Nonetheless, they are sure to begin hunting instantly once their webs have been damaged.

All About Bunker Spiders in Lethal Company
All About Bunker Spiders in Lethal Company

These creatures sneakily set a trap with their webs for their prey to accidentally walk up to them. Then they patiently wait on walls above the doorways to kill players unaware. Upon being caught and killed, players are wrapped in their spiderweb, which can be seen by other players.

As this might be too terrifying for anyone with Arachnophobia, there is even a mode available for people who have it. When it’s turned on, spiders will appear as a floating text saying “Spider”.

How to Avoid the Bunker Spiders

How to Avoid the Lethal Company Bunker Spiders
How to Avoid the Lethal Company Bunker Spiders

In the case of accidentally breaking or stepping on one of the webs, two options are working efficiently.

Players can avoid being attacked by them by simply maintaining a walking pace by moving forward. If they walk backward, trying to hit the spider, it might catch up to them, eventually leading to their death.

Players can use Stun Grenade and Zap Gun to stun the spider and run away from a clear path. To make a clear path and run from Bunker Spiders, one has to make sure to remove all the webs. Being surrounded and stuck in them makes the player slower, allowing spiders to easily prey on them. 

Players can make a run for it if the Bunker Spiders are acting defensively. Otherwise killing them is a great way to get rid of them, as they follow you around for a long time.

How to Kill Bunker Spiders in Lethal Company

How to Kill Bunker Spiders in Lethal Company
How to Kill Bunker Spiders in Lethal Company

Luckily, killing these eight-legged creatures is not hard. If someone wants to kill these creatures, they can simply do so by following the below steps.

Players need to be prepared when killing a spider because it deals with 4 to 5 hearts in one hit. So if someone wants to play aggressively towards them, then they gotta use a powerful weapon like Stop Sign. One has to hit only a few times and the spider will eventually curl up and die.

Another common way to kill Bunker Spiders is when a player triggers them and then jumps up to the railing or any other high ground where the spider doesn’t reach them. However, since Lethal Company Bunker Spiders can now climb up the railings and reach players, one has to put up a fair fight against them.

This is why players have to kill the spider repeatedly around 5 times with a Shovel or any other strong weapon such as a Shotgun, which is really popular nowadays.

Recommended: How to Use Lethal Company Shotgun

Additionally, because it’s a multiplayer game, players can also buddy up with a friend and use Stun Grenade or Zap Gun to stun the spider and fight together. This can reduce the pressure on one player and allow them to play more carefully so no one gets to die.

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