Spider-Man 2: Perfect Dodge Technique Guide

Spider-Man 2: Perfect Dodge Technique Guide
Insomniac Games and Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is out with a new storyline and strategic gameplay. Players love the flexibility and web attacks on venomous enemies. Players can use their all-time favorite Dodge attack. You can use a number of ways in a fight but Dodge has its own swag. Here is the Spider-Man 2 perfect dodge guide for you to learn the art of dodging enemies on the battlefield.
Spider-Man 2: Dodge Basics

Whether saving the children from an accident or swinging around the Sandman, dodge move will help you in various ways. You need to learn this basic move as soon as you start your game. For newbies, keep your laser focus on the guide to learn and implement it effectively.
Players will be prompted with a circle-like icon and a slow-mo effect will appear. You can easily see the prompted icon and hit the Circle button. These slow-mo moments will occur during the combats with villains, where you will find the prompts at the right time. Players should believe the prompt more than their intuition.
In street fights or underlings backfire, there is less chance of prompt appearing. So, here you can trust your intuition. With time you will learn when to use your Spider-Sense(a double circle will appear on the head of the spider hero) and trust the prompt message. This is a pro’s advice. That is because if you press the button too early, you are more likely to be hit than being defensive. Don’t believe me? Give it a try.
How to Perfect Dodge in Spider-Man 2

For normal dodge, the Spider-Sense will be white in color. Here you have to trust the prompt. This helps you avoid the enemy’s attack and damage. And if the Spider-Sense turns red, then it’s time for Perfect Dodge to strike. You will notice it as it will be red and start glowing. The best advantage of Perfect Dodge is the after-web attack to destabilize the enemy.
Another pro tip is to use the parry method. If you aren’t doing good with the dodge technique then you can try the parry method. On the battlefield, when the enemy is just above to land or attack you pause the game or press the L1 button. If your luck is good and the timing is right, you will get to see your enemy stutter to the ground.
Spider-Man 2 Perfect Dodge Ultimate Guide is here for veterans and newbies. In case, you miss any enemies check the tips and try again. There are many other RGPs guides that you will surely like to check in our Gudies section like Stardew Valley Beehousing or Starfield Constellation board locations. Let me know by your comments how my tips helped you in combats.