The Easy Way to Travel Skyrim – How to Call Your Horse in Skyrim

The Easy Way to Travel Skyrim - How to Call Your Horse in Skyrim
In the world of Skyrim, various enemies are waiting and different traps are set for you. Players will need reliable allies to stay safe. One of these allies is a Horse. They are a comfortable source for traveling and a trustworthy companion in danger. Here in this Skyrim How to Call Horse guide, players will learn about getting a horse and how to use it for various purposes.
Skyrim: How to Call a Horse

In Skyrim, players cannot directly summon or get a horse. But here are many other tricks to have a horse. You can steal or purchase the horse. So let’s check those options.
How to Purchase a Horse
Players can purchase the horses from Arkarth, Riften, Solitude, Windhelm, and Whiterun. Players will have to purchase it from the owner of the stables. It will cost 1,000 gold so it’s better to check the substitutes too.
How to Steal a Horse
Skyrim players can steal a horse. If you get caught then just like in the real world you will be penalized for 50-gold. If you are lucky, then you can freely wander on land and no one will notice.
How to Call A Horse(Other ways)
Players can summon horses in other ways. Here are some of them.
#1 Fast Travel
The best and easiest way to get a horse is to fast travel to any other location. Players who want to teleport will have their horses teleported with them to another location. But a pro tip is to fast travel at any point on the map with the horse.
#2 Summon Arvak from Dawnguard DLC
Arvak is a skeleton animal that you can get by accessing Soul Cairn. In Dawnguard DLC, players will reach the Soul Cairn after completing the Chasing Echos quest. There will be the skull of Arvak and then learn about the steed.
Once it’s completed, players will have to call the Arvak’s spell. It will cost costs 136 magicka and will be found in the Conjuration menu. Now, players can call upon the horse wherever they want.
#3 Using Mods
Players can use the Call Your Horse mod whenever they feel like riding on a horse. The best thing about this mod is it’s free to use and call your horse. But players cannot summon their horses in a building or cave.
Skyrim how to call horse guide has all the best possible ways for the players to get horse. They can have other options to get and have a horse in-game. Players can also read about how to reach the Roundtable Hold and How to get the Ash of War Determination from our Guides archives.