Heartstrings Unbound: Dive into the World of the Best Romance Manhwa to Read

Heartstrings Unbound: Dive into the World of the Best Romance Manhwa to Read

Heartstrings Unbound: Dive into the World of the Best Romance Manhwa to Read

Comics reading is no longer a childhood hobby. Reading comics and manga is captivating due to more gasping story scenes and visual presentation. Fans of Japanese art are easy to fall in love with manhwas. Manhwas are more like the comics but with dense or even dark stories. Manhwas has a captivating story as a revenge-seeking female lead, twisted storylines with leads with hidden motives, and complicated relationship motives. With romance blend it gets more captivating. Read till the end to know about all the best romance manhwa to read and if you are a newbie, then it’s a must-try list for you.

Best Romance Manhwa to Read List

Here is the best recommendation for you to read the romance manhwa regardless of your level. Let’s start.

#1 Can’t Hear Can’t See But Love

Yeong-Hun Go, 83 Chapters (Complete)

Release Year: 2010

#1 Can't Hear Can't See But Love as Best Romance Manhwa to Read
#1 Can’t Hear Can’t See But Love

This manhwa revolves around the blind manhwa artist named Min Geun Soo. His life is falling apart and getting depressing day after day. But the happy chapters of his life begin when he meets Jeon So Ri. She is a deaf girl who appreciates his artwork. He shows Min the real colors of life regardless of the darkness of his eyesight.

A slow-burn romance with the inspiration to live happily. Filled with emotional scenes and heart-touching moments. The perfect presentation of showing affection between two people with their own disabilities melts the heart. This manhwa will make you cry but will not disappoint you.

#2 Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion

Milcha & Whale, 158 Episodes (Completed)

Release Year: 2017

#2 Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
#2 Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion

Written by Milcha and illustrated by Whale, this manhwa is about the ill fate of the female lead. Raelinanna is an ill-destined female who was poisoned to death at the hands of her fiance.

The story has an anime adaptation and is filled with political controversies. The climax of the manhwa is when Raelinanna wakes up to be alive and remembers her killer. She then pretends to be the fiance of Duke Noah Volstaire Wynknight. Despite knowing the truth, she aims to change her fate but effortlessly falls for her fiance. But the truth still haunts her death reason.

#3 Orange Marmalade as one of the Best Romance Manhwa To Read

Seokwoo, 119 Chapters (Completed)

Release Year: 2011

#3 Orange Marmalade as Best Romance Manhwa to Read
#3 Orange Marmalade

Orange Marmalade is a manhwa with the fictional world of vampires and humans. Here, the vampires are not recognized as villains anymore but they still face discrimination and disapproval. The manhwa is about the love interest of the female lead, Mari Baek. She is a vampire who hides her true identity by being an ordinary high school girl.

Her crush and the most popular boy in the school is one of the anti-vampire groups. Mari has to make a difficult choice. Then she has to reveal her true identity to him or will have to watch him from a distance forever. This romance manhwa will be a good choice to read at night.

#4 Empress of Another World

Lee Young Yuu & Lim Seo-rim 129 Episodes (Completed)

Release Year: 2016

#4 Empress of Another World
#4 Empress of Another World

Written by Lim Seo-rim and illustrated by Lee Young Yuu, this manhwa is about murder in a fantasy world. A Korean high schooler, Sabina dies in a tragic traffic accident. But found herself awake in a fantasy world where the power of the throne is vacant and the fight to ascend has begun.

To survive, she decides to be a concubine to the empower who was later murdered. She then has to prove herself innocent in the eyes of the courts and judiciary.

#5 Something About Us as Best Romance Manhwa To Read

Lee Yunji, 98 Episodes (Completed)

Release Year: 2008

#5 Something About Us
#5 Something About Us

Enemies to Lovers story has the charm of another level. The story of two friends, Da Gayoung and Han Woojin who have been together since childhood. A the time of college, everyone around them considers them a couple. Despite what others think, they continue to be friends. As time passes, things change and the story takes a lot of twists. In the end, the boundaries of friendship and love gets fade and both of them don’t know what to consider themselves anymore.

#6 Seasons of Blossom

Hongduck & Nemone, 130 Episodes (Ongoing)

Release Year: 2020

#6 Seasons of Blossom
#6 Seasons of Blossom

This teenage live manhwa was one of the best manhwa for a few years. It even had a live-action anime adaptation. This manhwa is about the growing teenage life. Romance, friendship, and bullying – all aspects of a teen’s life are reflected in this manhwa. The theme is presented with the variation of all four seasons. If you are a teen, you should read it for the depiction of an aspect of your life.

Best Romance Manhwa to Read is here for every age reader. This sparks the mood and the story will definitely be in your mind. Manhwas has its own types but romance with other emotions keeps the story spied up. If you are an anime lover too, then surely check the Anime page for the latest update in anime cosmos.

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