No Time for Story, Just Web-Slinging: Spider-Man 2 Skip Cutscene Solution

No Time for Story, Just Web-Slinging: Spider-Man 2 Skip Cutscene Solution

No Time for Story, Just Web-Slinging: Spider-Man 2 Skip Cutscene Solution

Insomniac Games and Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 are out with amazing features, innovative mechanics, and interesting game stories. There are tons of Spider-Man players but not all of them are interested in the main story. The majority are action lovers and want to skip to the action only. For those action lovers, I have completed these guidelines to help players of Spider-Man 2 skip cutscenes and enjoy their pure action.

How to Skip Cutscenes in Spider-Man 2

How to Skip Cutscenes in Spider-Man 2
How to Skip Cutscenes in Spider-Man 2

Cutscenes are now a common feature in various games. There are many hints that link with the main story, especially in a one-player focus game. But you can surely skip them if you aren’t interested in the main story. Let’s check how you can skip the cutscenes.

You can quickly skip all the cutscenes of the Spider-Man 2 by changing the settings. Just pause the game, click the Options button, and look for the option “Stop Cinematic”. Press the button and you will never have to skip any cutscenes again. This will skip all the cutscenes regardless of their duration. All hints and monologues in cutscenes will be omitted.

But here’s some bad news for the cutscenes skippers. Players will have to watch the very first cutscene. The cutscene of Harry and Norman Osborne at the beginning of the game. Why these scenes can’t be skipped? This will be a quick question that will pop up. According to my intuition, that is because the game is still in the process of loading in the background. That might be a reason that players are unable to skip the first cutscene.

Why do Players want to Skip Cutscenes?

Players may have their own reasons to skip cutscenes. You might want to skip it due to its duration. But Spider-Man 2 is relatively shorter in overall length as compared to other games like Starfield and Stardew Valley. But skipping these cutscenes can be useful. I have two scenarios that might players have in their mind to skip cutscenes.

One possibility could be the player who has already completed the game and wants to replay it with a difficulty level. Especially after the record-breaking success of Spider-Man 2, players are in a bit rush. Another possibility could be the player’s intention to reduce the play time by speeding the gaming with missions and quests only.

Spider-Man 2 Skip Cutscenes Ultimate Guide is the best one for players who want to complete the games faster or aren’t interested ingame story. With either of these options, the players can achieve their goals by just changing their settings. Try this method and let me know in a comment how much it helps you fasten the gameplay.

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