Master the Art with the Guide of The Sims 4 Start a Fire

Master the Art with the Guide of The Sims 4 Start a Fire

Master the Art with the Guide of The Sims 4 Start a Fire

The social simulation game by Maxis and The Sims Studio; Sims 4 is here for you. Sims 4 is an exciting simulation game where players can create and control their characters aka Sims and set their storylines to add spice to their social lives. It’s even more fun with chaos and Fire can give a good show. Let’s check the possible ways in Sims 4 start a fire guide that will help you have fun in-game.

Sims 4 Start a Fire Guidelines

Having an entire characters-filled world in your control gives you the authority to have much more fun. Sims will have their storyline set up by the players. But isn’t a peaceful too boring for characters? Yes! You can create chaos for them and show them the hard times too. Here are some ways to start a fire.

A Poor Skill Chef with a Cheap Stove

A Poor Skill Chef with a Cheap Stove
A Poor Skill Chef with a Cheap Stove

This one is pretty simple. Just create a Sims as Checf with poor cooking skills. Next, get it a cheap stove (You can easily get it purchased from Build mode). This combination gets the kitchen on flames. There is a note for the players that the fire will not ignite immediately or in the first attempt. This might take some attempts to achieve.

Place flammable objects close to the Fireplace

Sims 4 is safe from any fireplace. But Sims can easily ignite it by surrounding the flammable object near the fireplace. For this, you have to enter the Build Mode (press the F2 button or settings icon) and place flammable objects near the fireplace. Here is a cheat code for the games who want to try another approach. The cheat code is Sims.add_buffBurningLove.

In case you don’t find any flammable objects in the room, you can find a rung and place it under the fireplace. Next, move back to the Live mode and light the objects or rug to flame. This step is crucial or else Sims can get burned or even die by burning. 

Handover a Wizard Set to a kid

For this method, use the Build mode and buy a wizard set for 210 simoleons. And handover to the child. The fire will ablaze after some time, it may take several attempts. Don’t worry about the child Sim. Children and infants do not die in Sims 4. 

Prevention from Fire in The Sims 4

Fun can be dangerous too. So, here we have some ways for the players in case the fun turns into a blazing accident. Check these ways if your Sims catch fire.

Prevention from Fire in The Sims 4
Prevention from Fire in The Sims 4
  • Fire extinguisher: Adults Sims can cool down the fire by clicking the Fire button until the pop-up of Extinguish Fire appears and then selecting it. This hack isn’t working each time.
  • Alarms and Sprinklers: You can purchase the alarms for 75 and 750 Simeons each. You can place the alarms and sprinklers on the ceilings wherever you think the fire might ignite.
  • Cheat Code: This fire.toggle false will give the Sim 4 a fire-free experience.

You have control after all, enjoy the social with excitement and fun events, Sims 4 starts a fire to have fun but you can also control things if they go wrong. If you are interested in simulation or role-playing games, then check our Guides page for descriptive guides.

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